Handheld hyperspectral imager

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a new low cost hand-held staring hyperspectral imager for applications previously blocked by high cost of the instrumentation. The system is compatible with standard video and microscope lenses. The instrument can record 2D spatial images at several wavelength bands simultaneously. The concept of the hyperspectral imager has been published in SPIE Proc. 7474. The prototype fits in an envelope of 100 mm x 60 mm x 40 mm and its weight is ca. 300 g. The benefits of the new device compared to Acousto-Optic Tunable filter (AOTF) or Liquid Crystal Tunable Filter (LCTF) devices are small size and weight, speed of wavelength tuning, high optical throughput, independence of polarization state of incoming light and capability to record three wavelengths simultaneously. The operational wavelength range with Silicon-based CCD or CMOS sensors is 200 - 1100 nm and spectral resolution is 2 - 10 nm @ FWHM. Similar IR imagers can be built using InGaAs, InSb or MCT imaging sensors. The spatial resolution of the prototype is 480 x 750 pixels. It contains control system and memory for the image data acquisition. It operates either autonomously recording hyperspectral data cubes continuously or controlled by a laptop computer. The prototype was configured as a hyperspectral microscope for the spectral range 400 - 700 nm. The design of the hyperspectral imager, characterization results and sample measurement results are presented.