Implicit Parallelism through Deep Language Embedding

The appeal of MapReduce has spawned a family of systems that implement or extend it. In order to enable parallel collection processing with User-Defined Functions (UDFs), these systems expose extensions of the MapReduce programming model as library-based dataflow APIs that are tightly coupled to their underlying runtime engine. Expressing data analysis algorithms with complex data and control flow structure using such APIs reveals a number of limitations that impede programmer's productivity. In this paper we show that the design of data analysis languages and APIs from a runtime engine point of view bloats the APIs with low-level primitives and affects programmer's productivity. Instead, we argue that an approach based on deeply embedding the APIs in a host language can address the shortcomings of current data analysis languages. To demonstrate this, we propose a language for complex data analysis embedded in Scala, which (i) allows for declarative specification of dataflows and (ii) hides the notion of data-parallelism and distributed runtime behind a suitable intermediate representation. We describe a compiler pipeline that facilitates efficient data-parallel processing without imposing runtime engine-bound syntactic or semantic restrictions on the structure of the input programs. We present a series of experiments with two state-of-the-art systems that demonstrate the optimization potential of our approach.

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