Characterization of Fucosyl Oligosaccharides Associated with Synaptic Membrane and Synaptic Junctional Glycoproteins

Abstract: Rats were administered [3H]fucose by intracranial injection and synaptic membranes (SMs) isolated 18 h later. Oligosaccharides associated with SM glycoproteins were prepared by hydrazinolysis and analyzed by a combination of affinity chromatography on concanavalin A (Con A)‐agarose, ion‐exchange chromatography on DEAE‐celluiose, and gel permeation chromatography. Most (94%) of the [3H]fucose‐labelled oligosaccharides were present in the fraction that did not bind to Con A. Of these 41% did not bind to DEAE‐cellulose, indicating the absence of negatively charged groups and the remainder were resolved into four fractions of increasing acidity. Gel permeation chromatography of the fractions from the DEAE‐cellulose column suggested that the major oligosaccharides corresponded to fucosylated triantennary structures containing varying amounts of sialic acid although more highly branched structures containing peripheral branches lacking one or more sugars may also have been present. Comparison of fucosyl oligosaccharides associated with SMs prepared from 10‐ and 28‐day‐old animals indicated that although the general oligosaccharide content was similar at both ages, membranes from younger animals were characterized by an increase in the proportion of highly acidic structures. Fucosylated glycans derived from synaptic junctional (SJ) glycoproteins were also characterized by a greater percentage of highly acidic structures than SMs. The results indicate that SMs and SJs are characterized by specific complements of fucosylated glycoprotein oligosaccharides.

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