Évaluation des données de mesure − Supplément 2 du " Guide pour l'expression de l'incertitude de mesure " – Extension à un nombre quelconque de grandeurs de sortie October 2011 Document produit par le Groupe de travail 1 du Comité commun pour les guides en métrologie (JCGM/WG 1). Les droits d'auteur relatifs à ce document sont la propriété conjointe des organisations membres du Copyrights Even if the electronic version of this document is available free of charge on the BIPM's website (www.bipm.org), copyright of this document is shared jointly by the JCGM member organizations, and all respective logos and emblems are vested in them and are internationally protected. Third parties cannot rewrite or re-brand, issue or sell copies to the public, broadcast or use it on-line. For all commercial use, reproduction or translation of this document and/or of the logos, emblems, publications or other creations contained therein, the prior written permission of the Director of the BIPM must be obtained. Même si une version électronique de ce document peut être téléchargée gratuitement sur le site internet du BIPM (www.bipm.org), les droits d'auteur relatifs à ce document sont la propriété conjointe des organisations membres du JCGM et l'ensemble de leurs logos et emblèmes respectifs leur appartiennent et font l'objet d'une protection internationale. Les tiers ne peuvent le réécrire ou le modifier, le distribuer ou vendre des copies au public, le diffuser ou le mettre en ligne. Tout usage commercial, reproduction ou traduction de ce document et/ou des logos, emblèmes et/ou publications qu'il comporte, doit recevoir l'autorisation écrite préalable du directeur du BIPM. Evaluation of measurement data — Supplement 2 to the " Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement " — Extension to any number of output quantitiesÉvaluation des données de mesure — Supplément 2 du " Guide pour l'expression de l'incertitude de mesure " — Extensionà un nombre quelconque de grandeurs de sortie Copyright Even if electronic versions are available free of charge on the website of one or more of the JCGM member organizations, economic and moral copyrights related to all JCGM publications are internationally protected. The JCGM does not, without its written authorisation, permit third parties to rewrite or re-brand issues, to sell copies to the public, or to broadcast or use on-line its publications. Equally, the JCGM also objects to distortion, augmentation or mutilation of its publications, including its titles, slogans and logos, and those of …
V. Barnett.
The Ordering of Multivariate Data
Antonio Possolo,et al.
Copulas for uncertainty analysis
P M Harris,et al.
Software specifications for uncertainty evaluation.
Maurice G Cox,et al.
Uncertainty modelling in mass comparisons.
Francesca Pennecchi,et al.
Non-linear models and best estimates in the GUM
D. W. Scott,et al.
Multivariate Density Estimation, Theory, Practice and Visualization
N. L. Johnson,et al.
Multivariate Analysis
Peter M. Harris,et al.
Visualization of uncertainty associated with classes of electrical measurements.
Stephan R. Sain,et al.
Multi-dimensional Density Estimation
L. Comtet,et al.
Advanced Combinatorics: The Art of Finite and Infinite Expansions
Robert H. Halstead,et al.
Matrix Computations
Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing.
Philip E. Gill,et al.
Practical optimization
Raghu N. Kacker,et al.
Comparison of ISO-GUM, draft GUM Supplement 1 and Bayesian statistics using simple linear calibration
J. Cornfield,et al.
Petrographic modal analysis : an elementary statistical appraisal
Glenn F. Engen,et al.
Microwave Circuit Theory and Foundations of Microwave Metrology
John K Kruschke,et al.
Bayesian data analysis.
Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Cognitive science.
G. Strang,et al.
Linear Algebra, Geodesy, and GPS
S. Sheather.
Density Estimation
B D Hall,et al.
On the propagation of uncertainty in complex-valued quantities
R. W. Beatty,et al.
Basic Theory of Waveguide Junctions and Introductory Microwave Network Analysis