[The plasma levels and diagnostic utility of stem cell factor in patients with endometrial cancer and myoma uteri].
Stem cell factor (SCF) is a member of a group of cytokines called hematopoietic growth factors (HGFs). Some clinical investigations have shown an autologous production of this cytokine in various human cell lines in vitro and by tumors in vivo, for example in uterine cancer.
The plasma level and diagnostic utility of SCF have been investigated in endometrial cancer and myoma patients.
The plasma level of SCF and tumor markers like CA 125 and SCC-Ag in endometrial cancer (50 patients), in myoma uteri (25 patients) and in 25 healthy subjects were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and chemiluminescence immunoassay (CMIA).
SCF plasma level was significantly higher in endometrial cancer patients comparing to the group with myoma and to the control. CA 125 plasma level was significantly higher only in endometrial cancer patients comparing to the control group. Diagnostic specificity was high and equal for all tested parameters (92%). The diagnostic sensitivity of SCF was slightly lower than CA 125, and was higher in more advanced tumor stage. The combined use of SCF with other markers resulted in the increased sensitivity range. Positive and negative predictive values were high for SCF and for CA 125, and were higher in more advanced tumor stage.
Our study suggests that tested cytokine (SCF) can be clinically useful in differentiation of endometrial cancer and myoma uteri. Furthermore SCF showed usefulness in primary diagnostic of cancer uteri, especially with CA 125.