Advanced placement Language and Composition includes a curriculum that focuses on American Literature and nonfiction both are read with a rhetorical emphasis. As part of your required curriculum, you will read :

Both assignments present a series of social issues that will be explored in class discussion specifically to assist your passing of the AP Language Composition exam. This course will combine fiction and nonfiction works in an effort to reinforce student skills of argument and analysis in reading comprehension, verbal exchange and written expression. Reviewing the literary devices with which you have analyzed literature for the past few years, you will be reintroduced to many of them to emphasize their rhetorical nature. Coupled with persuasive (argument) and analysis essay forms, and our review of the more traditional expository essay forms, the student will be excellently prepared for essay responses in any college course. The above reading assignments should be completed by the third day of the fall semester. Annotation is advised, and will help you recall essential points of literary insight and rhetorical emphasis. Evaluations will take place immediately thereafter.