Recently collected specimens of the lichen Flavoparmelia baltimorensis from Shen- andoah National Park in Virginia, especially those from higher elevations, contain higher concen- trations of sulfur, and lower concentrations of lead than specimens collected from the same sites at various times in the past. These results suggest long-term increases in regional sulfur pollution and a corresponding decline in lead pollution. The well-documented ability of some lichens to accumulate elements from the atmosphere has led to their frequent use as monitors of atmospheric pollution. In an on-going effort to assess levels of air pollutants in Shenandoah National Park in Vir- ginia, we have investigated lead and sulfur accu- mulation by specimens of the lichen, Flavoparmelia baltimorensis (Gyelnik & F6riss) Hale, a common species that has been collected in the park at various times during its 50-year history. Our objective was to compare sulfur and lead concentrations found in recently collected specimens to concentrations of the same elements in specimens collected in the past. Such a retrospective element analysis is valu- able because it provides information about changes in pollution deposition patterns with time.
Richard A. Smith,et al.
Water-Quality Trends in the Nation's Rivers
J. Lawrey,et al.
Annual rate of lead accumulation in the lichen Pseudoparmelia baltimorensis
J. Lawrey,et al.
Retrospective Study of Lichen Lead Accumulation in the Northeastern United States
J. Lawrey,et al.
Lichen Growth Responses to Stress Induced by Automobile Exhaust Pollution
D. N. Rao,et al.
Influence of Heavy Metal Pollution on Lichens and Bryophytes
G. Tyler,et al.
Heavy metal deposition in Scandinavia
G. Tyler,et al.
Regional Differences in the Deposition of Heavy Metals Over Scandinavia
H. Olkkonen,et al.
Total sulphur contents of epiphytic and terricolous lichens in Finland
B. Persson,et al.
Radiolead ( 210 Pb) and stable lead in the lichen Cladonia alpestris