Proses Penerimaan dan Seleksi Personalia di PT. Bank BNI Tbk dalam Pengembangan Kredit Mikro dan Kecil
Distribution credit PT Bank BNI to retail and micro entrepreneur must be increased gradually, by opening networking/outlet/new branch and formation of micro banking unit. The credit officers and marketing staffs must be qualified to make credit distribution effective and efficient. Recruitment of the new staff faced many of internal and external problems. One of them was ratio of applicants who were received to a number of applicants who were entered very low. It caused inefficient time and cost. The recruitment process of the new staff as the credit officer level needed an analysis in order to repair strategy and policy. Analysis method used deductive methods, that is a method to make a decision by ending with some conclusion, and to give suggestion based on interview result, supervision and questioner. The data and information that had been obtained, examined deeply and presentated descriptively. For that analysis, the datas which relevant with the purposes of analysis were : data of applicants that had been accepted and data of all applicants, amount of micro and small credit of Bank BNI, and amount of all Bank BNI staff who related to the process of recruitment and selection staff. From the result of the study had been known that the recruitment and selection program of marketing staffs and credit officers in the Bank BNI needed to be more perfectly because there is unmatch system of requirement staff forecasting which had done by Human Resources Department (HRD) and top management. The ratio between amount applicants who had been accepted and amount applicant who entered was low because the quality of applicant was low so it caused the necessity of staff couldnA¢â‚¬â„¢t fill. The improvement steps could be done, for example, perfecting system of staff necessity forecast. It was not only based on regular forecasting, but also on irregular forecasting. Planning division need to do further study relate to potency of economy at each city in Indonesia, so it can be considered where as need to open new branch or not. Besides that planning division need to cooperate with HRD, so the forecast of staff necessity can be in accordance with top management policy. Reverse army of the applicant should be made based on rank of selection test result, so they can be called for the next test immediately.