Orthogonal space-time coding for CPM system with fast decoding

Trellis-coded space-time (TC-ST) coding for continuous phase modulation (TC-ST-CPM) was recently studied by X. Zhang and M.P. Fitz (see Proc. 38th Annual Allerton Conf. on Commun. Control and Computing, 2000). Similar to TC-ST for PSK and QAM systems, it has good performance but its decoding complexity may be high. We propose an orthogonal space-time coding for CPM (OST-CPM) systems. Similar to S. Alamouti's OST coding for PSK and QAM systems (see IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol.16, no.8, p.1451-8, 1998), the newly proposed OST-CPM has a fast decoding algorithm.