Live Stake and Joint Planting for Streambank Erosion Control
Abstract : The live stake (LS) and joint planting (JP) soil bioengineering systems are units fabricated from live, woody plant material branches. Over time, the LS's are effective for erosion control and the JP system provides reinforcement to slopes upon which rock has been placed. The LS and JP live cut branches are expected to grow roots and top growth, with the roots providing additional soil reinforcement and surface cover providing protection from runoff and streamflow. The LS and JP units are used from the baseflow elevation up the face of the streambank, acting principally to protect the bank toe and face. In the case of the JP's, the root soil reinforcement serves to augment bank protection. The LS's and JP's are also useful to improve erosion control and infiltration and support the riparian zone. Once top growth has developed, both systems have the potential to accumulate sediment.
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