Implementing Operational Semantics (Preliminary Report)

(Preliminary Report) Roy L. Crole email: R.Crole m s.le.a .uk http://www.m s.le.a .uk/~r role De ember 1997 Abstra t This paper des ribes a high level operational semanti s for a simple programming language, alled K O R E L , together with a parser, interpreter and pretty printer whi h are implemented in the (pure) fun tional programming language Haskell. The syntax of K O R E L is presented via BNF grammars, and the operational semanti s is spe i ed via stru tured, indu tive rules. The paper outlines the broad ideas behind the Haskell implementation, with a more detailed expli ation of the key te hniques. A ode listing an be found in [Cro97℄.