Prologue: a fairy tale– Once upon a time there were four Goblins who were, of course, chartered accountants. They became tired of counting hoards of gold for the Gnomes so they sought help from the Wizard of Ecognomeics. “We want our own treasure chests,” they pleaded. “That’s easy,” said the Wizard “Human beings have the idea that information technology will solve all their work problems. I’ll turn you into Management Consultancy Goblins. Then you can each take one idea from the Academic Ivory Tower and that should make you piles of gold.” After 5,000 days the four met up at the International Goblin Warming Conference and compared experiences. “I chose Corporate Management Information Systems,” said Goblin 1, “and I was selling loads of mainframes. Then the Gnome Computers Wizard invented the personal computer and everyone started networking instead.” Goblin 2 had taken the software route. “My Computer‐Assisted Management Systems were selling like hot cakes until somebody noticed that they were only doing administration. Then it all went pear‐shaped.” “I chose fear,” said Goblin 3, “All the companies were latching on to my ‘Information for Competitive Advantage’ until someone asked ‘What happens when everyone is doing it?” The fourth Goblin adjusted position on his platinum toadstool, glanced at his Cartier watch and asked, “Have you sad Goblins ever heard of my Knowledge Management?”
I. Nonaka,et al.
The Knowledge Creating Company
Brendan Loughridge.
The management information needs of academic Heads of Department in universities in the United Kingdom
Inf. Res..
Thomas H. Davenport,et al.
Book review:Working knowledge: How organizations manage what they know. Thomas H. Davenport and Laurence Prusak. Harvard Business School Press, 1998. $29.95US. ISBN 0‐87584‐655‐6
R. Sanchez,et al.
Strategic Learning and Knowledge Management
Jay Liebowitz,et al.
Knowledge Management and its Integrative Elements
P. Drucker.
The Age of Discontinuity: Guidelines to Our Changing Society
Karl-Erik Sveiby.
The New Organizational Wealth: Managing and Measuring Knowledge-Based Assets
J. B. Haglind,et al.
An Index of Skills for Research and Development Personnel
T. A. Stewart.
Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations
Tom Lloyd,et al.
Managing Knowhow: Add Valuing Creativity