Laparoscopic applications of laser-activated tissue glues

The rapid growth of laparoscopic cholecystectomy and other laparoscopic procedures has created the need for simple, secure techniques for laparoscopic closure without sutures. While laser tissue welding offers one solution to this problem, concerns about adequacy of weld strength and watertightness remain. Tissue solders are proteinaceous materials which are placed on coapted tissue edges of the tissue to be closed or sealed. Laser energy is then applied to fix the glue in place completing the closure. Closure of the choledochotomy following a laparoscopic common duct exploration is one potential application of this technique. Canine longitudinal choledochotomies 5 mm in length were sealed using several laser glues and using the 808 nm diode laser. Saline was then infused until rupture of the closure and peak bursting strength recorded. Fibrinogen glue provided moderately good adhesion but poor burst strength. Handling characteristics were variable. A viscosity adjusted fibrinogen preparation produced good adherence with mean weld strength 264 +/- 7 mm Hg. The clinical endpoint for welding was a whitening and drying of the tissue. New laser solders can provide a watertight choledochotomy closure of adequate immediate strength. This would allow reliable, technically feasible common bile duct exploration via a laparoscopic approach.