AHybrid CFGTSABasedApproach forScheduling Problem: ACase StudyofanAutomobile Industry
Intheglobal competitive worldswift, reliable andcosteffective production subject touncertain situations, throughan appropriate managementof theavailable resources, hasturned outtobethenecessity forsurviving in themarket. Thisinspired thedevelopment ofthemore effilcient androbustmethodstocounteract theexisting complexities prevailing inthemarket. Thepresent paper proposes ahybrid CFGTSAalgorithm inheriting thesalient features ofGA,TS,SA,andchaotic theory tosolvethe complex scheduling problems commonly faced bymostofthe manufacturing industries. Theproposed CFGTSAalgorithm hasbeentested onascheduling problem ofanautomobile industry, anditsefficacy hasbeenshownbycomparing the results withGA,SA,TS,GTS,andhybrid TSAalgorithms.
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