Design of seawalls allowing for wave overtopping
Based mainly on an extensive series of model tests the report presents design procedures to evaluate the overtopping discharge with irregular waves for existing seawalls, and to determine the seawall profile required for proposed new seawalls to restrict the overtopping discharge to a tolerable amount. The procedures are derived for simple and bermed seawalls of a generalised profile which can broadly be described as embankments; the methods are not applicable to complicated seawall geometries, such as those equipped with wave return walls for which specific model tests will still be required. The report details the various parameters which are required to evaluate an existing seawall or design a new one, and outlines some of the methods available for determining such variables as design still water level, significant wave height, mean wave period, seawall roughness and allowable overtopping discharge. Worked examples are included at each stage to il lustrate the techniques involved. This design report was commissioned jointly by the Central Electricity Generating Board, the Severn-Trent Water Authority, the Wessex Water Authority, and the Hydraulics Research Station.