During the past three years the Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Controls in Aachen has developed a new hydraulic system for mobile machinery called STEAM. The system represents a new step in excavator hydraulics, as it aims to reduce both the hydraulic system losses as well as those of the internal combustion engine by using a hybrid hydraulic architecture with accumulators. Starting with initial simulation studies the development has been followed by scaled test bench measurements and has progressed to a full scale validation using an 18 t excavator. The following publication aims to summarise the results obtained thus far with the aim of making them available to industry and encouraging their implementation in future applications.
Georg Jacobs,et al.
Hydraulisch-mechanischer Hybridantrieb für Gegengewichtsstapler
Hubertus Murrenhoff,et al.
STEAM - Ein hydraulisches Hybridsystem für Bagger
Hubertus Murrenhoff,et al.
STEAM : a holistic approach to designing excavator systems
J.-O. Palmberg,et al.
What a difference a hole makes : The commercial value of the innas hydraulic transformer
Hubertus Murrenhoff,et al.
STEAM: A Mobile Hydraulic System With Engine Integration
Hubertus Murrenhoff,et al.
Single Edge Meter Out Control for Mobile Machinery