Establishment of conditionally immortalized epithelial cell lines from both colon and small intestine of adult H-2Kb-tsA58 transgenic mice.

Intestinal mucosal cells have proved difficult to culture in vitro. Many attempts have been made to develop long-term cultures of these cells either by direct culturing or by attempting to immortalize these cells by using a range of transforming viral genes, but with little success. The recent development of a transgenic mouse bearing a temperature-sensitive mutation of the simian virus 40 large tumor antigen gene (tsA58) has enabled us to initiate conditionally immortalized cultures of epithelial cells from both small intestinal and colonic mucosa of adult mice. Crypts were isolated from either the small intestines or colons of young adult mice and cultured at the permissive temperature (33 degrees C) in medium containing conditioned medium from a human colon carcinoma cell line, LIM1863. Crypts from both tissues yielded cultures of epithelial cells that have now been in culture for more than 12 months with regular passaging. The epithelial nature of the cells has been confirmed by staining with anti-keratin antibodies. The intestinal origin of the cells was demonstrated by the ability of the cells to synthesize low levels of both brush border peptidases and a disaccharidase. The levels of expression of these enzymes were modulated by the addition of sodium butyrate or phorbol myristate acetate to the medium, which resulted in an increase in the synthesis of the peptidases and a decrease in the synthesis of the disaccharidase. The cells proliferate continuously at the permissive temperature (33 degrees C), but proliferation ceases at the nonpermissive temperature (39.5 degrees C). To our knowledge, this is the first description of the establishment of epithelial cell lines from both small intestine and colon of the same mouse strain. The success reported here indicates that this transgenic mouse will be a useful source of tissue for the study of the mechanisms that control the proliferation and eventual differentiation and senescence of the cells of the intestinal mucosa. These mice will also be a useful source of cells for attempts to culture cells from other tissues that have proved difficult to culture in vitro.