Alfalfa–organic amendments impact soil carbon sequestration and its lability in reclaimed loess

Soils derived from loess are fertile but susceptible to accelerated degradation in response to agricultural practices. The objective of our study was to evaluate the long‐term effects of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) integrated with contrasting organic amendments (29 years) to rejuvenate degraded loess via total soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration. The replicated study was conducted in concrete lysimeter plots (2 m long × 1 m wide × 60 cm deep) filled with degraded loess materials followed by planting of alfalfa with cattle manure (60 Mg/ha) or vermicompost (27 Mg/ha) amendments. After 29 years, SOC concentration increased by 5.3–6.2‐fold under alfalfa–organic amendments compared to the control. A similar impact of alfalfa–organic amendments was observed on the humic acid, fulvic acid, and humin concentrations. There was an overestimation of SOC stocks (151 ± 48 kg/ha) when equivalent depth was used compared to equivalent mass of soil. While the SOC sequestration rates were 614 ± 129, 710 ± 69, and 744 ± 161 kg/ha/year at 0–10 cm depth under alfalfa, alfalfa–manure, and alfalfa–vermicompost treatments, respectively, the SOC sequestration rates decreased with depth. Significantly higher values of carbon pool index (CPI) and carbon management index (CMI) under alfalfa–organic amendments justified our results associated with the SOC sequestration; however, the SOC lability (CL) decreased under alfalfa–organic amendments, when compared to the control. A significant nonlinear inverse relationship (R2 = 0.80) between the CPI and CL suggested that SOC sequestration is significantly dependent on its lability or vice versa. Our results suggested that the impact of alfalfa–organic amendments significantly rejuvenated the degraded loess soils via SOC sequestration.

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