Unified Process Management for Service and Manufacture System - Material Resources

The paper proposes the \(\textsf {Unified\;Process\;Management\;for\;Service\;and\;Manufacture\;(UPM}^{\mathsf {Srv}}_{\mathsf {Mnf}}\textsf {)}\), the intent of which is to constitute integrated platform for modelling and exchange of information in the field of production processes. The \({\textsf {UPM}}^{\mathsf {Srv}}_{\mathsf {Mnf}}\) consists of a theoretical basis, formal notation, modeling language, algorithms, and methods of processing information as well as modeling methodology. This article focuses on the passage concerning the most theoretical foundations in the identification of selected categories and relations such as generalization-specialization, part–whole, class-feature, class-instance, and property-instance. The platform used to build \({\textsf {UPM}}^{\mathsf {Srv}}_{\mathsf {Mnf}}\) is the Semantic Knowledge Base (SKB), which is the result of a research project on methods of representation and processing of knowledge.