Autonomous Robot Path Planning and Internet of Things

Robotics is implemented in medical practice, construction, outer-space exploration, household assistance, mobile transportation and quite recently, under water exploration [1-3]. Currently there has been study of automated guided robots which is used in transportation and exploration that can be configured for different terrain. These designs are onlocomotion, Hopfield Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm and etc [4-6]. For example, JPL (Jet PropulsionLaboratory, NASA) in U.S.A have developed many rovers. Sojourner which were landed in Mars in 1997 adopted rocker-bogie locomotion, Blue Rover uses three-segment locomotion, the mini Mars rover Go-For has an active wheel-legged locomotion, Nano Rover utilize posable tructchassis and Elastic Loop Mobility System was also designed as new type of locomotion for planetary exploration [7].

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