Let X = I1, " '" , a}, Y = {1, ' " , b} be finite sets. A stochastic matrix w with a rows and b columns will be called a channel. X, Y are the input and output alphabets (respectively) of the channel. We denote the set of all channels with input alphabet X and output alphabet Y by e (X, Y). A channel w E C (X, Y) can be used for communication from one person, the sender, to another person, the receiver. There is given in advance a finite set of messages ~ = {1, ., N}, one of which will be presented to the sender for transmission. We allow the sender a randomized encoding and the receiver a randomized decoding (cf. [4], [5]). ~[ore precisely, the sender encodes the message by an encoding channel E E e ( ~ , X) with E(v, x) being the probability tha t input x is given to channel w when message ~ is presented to the sender for transmission. When the receiver observes the output y of the transmission channel w, he decodes it by a decoding channel D E C( Y, !~) with D(y, ~) being the probability tha t the receiver will decide tha t message ~ is intended. The matrix e = e(E, D, w) = E . w . D E e ( ~ , 3 ) is the error matrix of code (E, D) for channel w. I ts element e@, ~) gives the probability that, when ~ is presented to the sender the receiver will decide that message/~ is intended, when code (E, D) is used on channel w. The average error probability over all messages in the set ~ is therefore
Irvin G. Stiglitz,et al.
Coding for a class of unknown channels
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.
D. Blackwell,et al.
The Capacities of Certain Channel Classes Under Random Coding
J. Wolfowitz,et al.
Jacob Wolfowitz,et al.
Channels with Arbitrarily Varying Channel Probability Functions
Inf. Control..
Claude E. Shannon,et al.
A Note on a Partial Ordering for Communication Channels
Information and Control.
J. Wolfowitz,et al.
The capacity of a channel with arbitrarily varying channel probability functions and binary output alphabet
Jacob Wolfowitz.
Coding Theorems of Information Theory
Claude E. Shannon,et al.
Two-way Communication Channels
R. Ahlswede.
Certain results in coding theory for compound channels