In theory of algorithms we actively study equivalence relations on r.e. sets. Each such relation generates a factorization of the Post numeration. The present article is devoted to a study of these factorizations from the point of view of general theory of numerations [i]. It turns out that the thoery of complete numerations, developed by A. I. Mal'tsev and Yu. L. Ershov, and also the notions and results from [2-4] play an important role in this study. We also establish a close connection of the theory of numerations with the results of Arslanov [5] and of Jockusch and Solovay [6]. In particular, Proposition 1 is a successfull generalization of Arslanov's fixed point theorem. In Sec. 1 we study certain classes of precomplete numerations and in Secs. 2-4 we apply the obtained results to the study of important quotient objects of the Post numeration. The index sets of these numerations are investigated in detail.
V. L. Selivanov.
Hierearchies of hyperarithmetical sets and functions
R. Soare.
Recursively enumerable sets and degrees
Donald A. Martin,et al.
Classes of Recursively Enumerable Sets and Degrees of Unsolvability
T. M. Kuz'mina.
Structure of the m-degrees of the index sets of families of partial recursive functions
V. L. Selivanov.
Structures of the degrees of unsolvability of index sets
V. L. Selivanov,et al.
Structure of powers of generalized index sets
Lawrence V. Welch.
A Hierarchy of Families of Recursively Enumerable Degrees
J. Symb. Log..