카노모델을 이용한 항노화 제품의 품질속성 분석

Anti-aging industry is likely to grow continuously due to population aging and increased interest in aging prevention. The purpose of this study is to find out the qualities of anti-aging product influencing customer satisfaction using Kano methodology. For this aim 1,500 people were surveyed in 16 cities and provinces except for Jeju province by face-to-face interview. For empirical analysis, we carried out Kano analysis and TImko`s customer satisfaction-coefficient analysis using SPSS ver. 21.0. Main results are as follows: First, according to Kono model, most qualities of anti-aging product are classified as ``one-dimensional quality`` except for whitening. Second, TImko`s customer satisfaction-coefficient analysis showed that among anti-aging product`s various qualities ``Improving Blood Circulation``, ``Strengthening immunity``, ``Measuring blood pressure/blood sugar`` and ``Maintaining dental health`` are relatively important to customer satisfaction. This study is expected to provide empirical data for development of andi-aging industry reflecting needs and preference of consumers on anti-aging product.