Biological Characteristics of the Ginseng Stem Fungus Gnat (Phytosciara procera) and Its Environmental-friendly Control Using Modified Topping of Ginseng Peduncles

This study examined the biological characteristics of the insect and examined potential cultural controls using peduncle topping methods. Ginseng stem fungus gnat eggs hatched after 5 days; ecdysis lasted 3-4 weeks, and after 5 days pupation, adults emerged. Adults deposited eggs 1-2 days after emerging, and the entire life cycle lasted 32-40 days. The fungus gnats laid eggs 327 × 220 μm in size on cut planes of stems, but not on intact stem parts that had not been topped or wounded. Analyses of major weather data for the experimental areas and weather data for the past 30 years acquired from the Korea Meteorological Administration revealed that fungus gnat dispersion was prevalent under highly humid conditions and in areas with thick and frequent fogging. Among the topping times examined, fungus gnat damage to ginseng was lowest when topping occurred in late May. Among the five different topping methods evaluated on experimental ginseng farms, the cumulative fungus gnat damage to ginseng was low (0.8%) under partial peduncle topping (removal of peduncle with lateral fruit remaining) and removal of only flower buds (0.6%), with fungus gnat control effects of 82% and 86%, respectively, compared to conventional topping (removal of peduncle about 5 cm above its base). No fungus gnat damage to ginseng was observed under the no-topping treatment. These results suggest that partial topping of peduncles, while letting lateral fruits remain, is a potentially environmentally friendly method of controlling the ginseng stem fungus gnat.