Separation and Capture of CO2 from Large Stationary Sources and Sequestration in Geological Formations—Coalbeds and Deep Saline Aquifers

Abstract The topic of global warming as a result of increased atmospheric CO2 concentration is arguably the most important environmental issue that the world faces today. It is a global problem that will need to be solved on a global level. The link between anthropogenic emissions of CO2 with increased atmospheric CO2 levels and, in turn, with increased global temperatures has been well established and accepted by the world. International organizations such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have been formed to address this issue. Three options are being explored to stabilize atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and global temperatures without severely and negatively impacting standard of living: (1) increasing energy efficiency, (2) switching to less carbon-intensive sources of energy, and (3) carbon sequestration. To be successful, all three options must be used in concert. The third option is the subject of this review. Specifically, this review will cover the capture and geologic sequestration of CO2 generated from large point sources, namely fossil-fuel-fired power gasification plants. Sequestration of CO2 in geological formations is necessary to meet the President’s Global Climate Change Initiative target of an 18% reduction in GHG intensity by 2012. Further, the best strategy to stabilize the atmospheric concentration of CO2 results from a multifaceted approach where sequestration of CO2 into geological formations is combined with increased efficiency in electric power generation and utilization, increased conservation, increased use of lower carbonintensity fuels, and increased use of nuclear energy and renewables. This review covers the separation and capture of CO2 from both flue gas and fuel gas using wet scrubbing technologies, dry regenerable sorbents, membranes, cryogenics, pressure and temperature swing adsorption, and other advanced concepts. Existing commercial CO2 capture facilities at electric power-generating stations based on the use of monoethanolamine are described, as is the Rectisol process used by Dakota Gasification to separate and capture CO2 from a coal gasifier. Two technologies for storage of the captured CO2 are reviewed—sequestration in deep unmineable coalbeds with concomitant recovery of CH4 and sequestration in deep saline aquifers. Key issues for both of these techniques include estimating the potential storage capacity, the storage integrity, and the physical and chemical processes that are initiated by injecting CO2 underground. Recent studies using computer modeling as well as laboratory and field experimentation are presented here. In addition, several projects have been initiated in which CO2 is injected into a deep coal seam or saline aquifer. The current status of several such projects is discussed. Included is a commercial-scale project in which a million tons of CO2 are injected annually into an aquifer under the North Sea in Norway. The review makes the case that this can all be accomplished safely with off-the-shelf technologies. However, substantial research and development must be performed to reduce the cost, decrease the risks, and increase the safety of sequestration technologies. This review also includes discussion of possible problems related to deep injection of CO2 . There are safety concerns that need to be addressed because of the possibilities of leakage to the surface and induced seismic activity. These issues are presented along with a case study of a similar incident in the past. It is clear that monitoring and verification of storage will be a crucial part of all geological sequestration practices so that such problems may be avoided. Available techniques include direct measurement of CO2 and CH4 surface soil fluxes, the use of chemical tracers, and underground 4-D seismic monitoring. Ten new hypotheses were formulated to describe what happens when CO2 is pumped into a coal seam. These hypotheses provide significant insight into the fundamental chemical, physical, and thermodynamic phenomena that occur during coal seam sequestration of CO2 .

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[196]  Ola Eiken,et al.  Seismic Monitoring of CO2 Injected Into a Marine Acquifer , 2000 .

[197]  W. Gunter,et al.  Aquifer disposal of acid gases: modelling of water–rock reactions for trapping of acid wastes , 2000 .

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[203]  K. Nakagawa,et al.  New Series of Lithium Containing Complex Oxides, Lithium Silicates, for Application as a High Temperature CO2 Absorbent , 2001 .

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[209]  J. Poston,et al.  Adsorption of CO2 on molecular sieves and activated carbon , 2001 .

[210]  Joel Sminchak,et al.  Issues Related to Seismic Activity Induced by the Injection of CO2 in Deep Saline Aquifers , 2001 .

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[215]  Bruce Nye,et al.  Cost-Effective Recompletions of Fruitland Formation Coalbed Methane Gas Wells are Achieved With PDC Technology-Based One-Trip Sidetracking and Lateral-Drilling Technique , 2001 .

[216]  J. Davison,et al.  A Proposal to Establish an International Network on Biofixation of CO 2 and Greenhouse Gas Abatement with Microalgae , 2001 .

[217]  H. Westrich Sequestration of CO 2 in a Depleted Oil Reservoir : An Overview , 2001 .


[219]  John Stringer,et al.  Development of Integrated System for Biomimetic CO2 Sequestration Using the Enzyme Carbonic Anhydrase , 2001 .


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[225]  J. Blencoe Experimental Geochemical Studies Relevant to Carbon Sequestration , 2001 .

[226]  Henry W. Pennline,et al.  Study of CO2 Absorption and Desorption in a Packed Column , 2001 .

[227]  Scott R. Reeves Geologic Sequestration of CO2 in Deep, Unmineable Coalbeds: An Integrated Research and Commercial-Scale Field Demonstration Project , 2001 .

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[231]  Shigeo Uchida,et al.  Application of high‐pressure swing adsorption process for improvement of CO2 recovery system from flue gas , 2001 .

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[233]  G. Burrowes Investigating Sequestration Potential of Carbonate Rocks during Tertiary Recovery from a Billion Barrel Oil Field , Weyburn , Saskatchewan : the Geoscience Framework ( IEA Weyburn CO 2 Monitoring and Storage Project ) , 2001 .


[235]  J. S. Hoffman,et al.  Study of Regenerable Sorbents for CO2 Capture , 2001 .

[236]  Roddie R. Judkins,et al.  Removal From Gas Streams Using a Carbon Fiber Composite Molecular Sieve , 2001 .

[237]  K. Essaki,et al.  Acceleration effect of ternary carbonate on CO2 absorption rate in lithium zirconate powder , 2001 .

[238]  Kee-Kahb Koo,et al.  CO2 recovery from flue gas by PSA process using activated carbon , 2001 .

[239]  S. Stevens Natural Analogs for Geologic Storage of CO 2 : An Integrated Global Research Program , 2001 .

[240]  R. Newmark,et al.  Monitoring Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Using Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT): Sensitivity Studies , 2001 .

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[245]  Masahiro Kato,et al.  Carbon dioxide absorption by lithium orthosilicate in a wide range of temperature and carbon dioxide concentrations , 2002 .

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[248]  S. Bachu Sequestration of CO2 in geological media in response to climate change: road map for site selection using the transform of the geological space into the CO2 phase space , 2002 .

[249]  Soon-Haeng Cho,et al.  Numerical Analysis on the Power Consumption of the PSA Process for Recovering CO2 from Flue Gas , 2002 .

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[254]  Sally M. Benson,et al.  Implications of Surface Seepage on the Effectiveness of Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide as a Climate Change Mitigation Strategy , 2002 .

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[261]  L. Fan,et al.  Carbonation−Calcination Cycle Using High Reactivity Calcium Oxide for Carbon Dioxide Separation from Flue Gas , 2002 .

[262]  Robert L. Kane,et al.  Carbon Sequestration: An Option for Mitigating Global Climate Change , 2002 .

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[265]  Sally M. Benson,et al.  Scientific considerations related to regulation development for CO2 sequestration in brine formations , 2002 .

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[269]  Amornvadee Veawab,et al.  Performance and Cost Analysis for CO2 Capture from Flue Gas Streams: Absorption and Regeneration Aspects , 2003 .

[270]  D. Luebke,et al.  A Review of Carbon Dioxide Selective Membranes: A Topical Report , 2003 .

[271]  Salvatore Lombardi,et al.  Natural CO2 Accumulations in Europe: Understanding Long-Term Geological Processes in CO2 Sequestration , 2003 .

[272]  B. Morreale,et al.  The permeability of hydrogen in bulk palladium at elevated temperatures and pressures , 2003 .

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[284]  H. Pauwels,et al.  The French Carbogaseous Province: An Illustration of Natural Processes of CO2 Generation, Migration, Accumulation and Leakage , 2003 .

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[286]  P. Jaffé,et al.  Potential Effect of CO2 Releases from Deep Reservoirs on the Quality of Fresh-Water Aquifers , 2003 .

[287]  C. A. Roberts,et al.  A Study of Very Large Scale Post Combustion CO2 Capture at A refining & Petrochemical Complex , 2003 .

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[290]  Ken-ichiro Ota,et al.  High Efficency CO2 Separation and Concentration System by Using Molten Carbonate , 2003 .

[291]  Hiroshi Tanaka,et al.  Recent Developments on Flue Gas CO2 Recovery Technology , 2003 .

[292]  P. Zappelli,et al.  Solid Sorbents for the Reversible Capture of Carbon Dioxide , 2003 .

[293]  Stephen W. Pacala,et al.  Global Constraints on Reservoir Leakage , 2003 .

[294]  Lorenz T. Biegler,et al.  Optimization of a Pressure-Swing Adsorption Process Using Zeolite 13X for CO2 Sequestration , 2003 .

[295]  Joseph N. Moore,et al.  Natural CO2 Reservoirs on the Colorado Plateau and Southern Rocky Mountains, USA: A Numerical Model , 2003 .

[296]  Phil Dipietro,et al.  Economic Benefits of a Technology Strategy and R&D Program in Carbon Sequestration , 2003 .

[297]  D. Harrison,et al.  Capture of carbon dioxide from flue gas using solid regenerable sorbents , 2004 .

[298]  James J. Dooley,et al.  Stabilization of CO2 in a B2 world: insights on the roles of carbon capture and disposal, hydrogen, and transportation technologies , 2004 .

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[300]  Sookyun Wang,et al.  Dissolution of a mineral phase in potable aquifers due to CO2 releases from deep formations; effect of dissolution kinetics , 2004 .

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[303]  Eiichi Ono,et al.  Design parameters of solar concentrating systems for CO2-mitigating algal photobioreactors , 2004 .