Evolutionary sequences of models in the early and main sequence stages have been constructed for stars in the mass range with a composition X = 0.739, Z = 0.021. The general behavior of the evolutionary track in the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram is similar to that obtained for medium-mass stars. The star reaches the main sequence in 4 × 108 years, with a radiative core covering about half of the mass. The star develops a radiative core before reaching the main sequence in 8.5 × 108 years, but with the onset of thermonuclear reactions the energy generation is strong enough to cause the central radiative region of this star to become convective again. The star reaches the main sequence as a wholly convective star in 1.7 × 109 years. During the evolution of the star, the maximum central temperature attained is 4 × 106 °K, which is not sufficient to stabilize the star on the hydrogen-burning main sequence. Therefore, as contraction continues, the star contracts towards the white dwarf configuration.