Random Processing of Information

We have merely discussed the deterministic model of the process of thinking. However, the real process of thinking is strongly disturbed by various noises. There are two kinds of noise: physiological noise and information noise. Physiological noise is induced by simultaneous work of a huge number of neurons (physical and chemical processes in the brain), see, for example, [70]. Information noise is induced by external information as well by the simultaneous functioning of a huge number of dynamical thinking systems, fs, g α ,φ β ,... in brain. For example, I-states generated by the processor g α can disturb the work of the processor f s . Moreover, combinations of physiological and information noises in brain may exhibit new features. We have to study iterations of information which are disturbed by some noise ω (this parameter ω describes all possible noises in brain). In particular, parameters s of thinking dynamical processors have to be considered as random variables of noise ω, i.e., s = s(ω). Instead of a deterministic dynamical system, we have to use random dynamical system, RDS; see [15] on the general theory of RDS.