Integrating task and data parallelism
The increased computational power of massively
parallel computers and high bandwidth low latency
computer networks will make a wide range of previously
unpractical problems feasible. This will inevitably
result in the need to develop parallel software
whose complexity far exceeds that of parallel programs
being developed today. These programs will combine
task and data parallelism within a single application.
In this workshop, we will discuss multi-paradigm
parallel programs and programming languages to support
their development. We will introduce the parallel
programming languages Fortran M and Compositional
C++. Fortan M is a small set of extensions
to Fortran 77; Compositional C++ is a small set of
extensions to C++. We will demonstrate how these
languages can be used to develop parallel programs that
contain both task and data parallelism and how these
languages are well suited to writing reusable parallel
program libraries.