Antithrombin III in Late Pregnancy

The most important inhibitor is antithrombin 111 (AT). This plasma protein inhibits the activity of activated factors xII, Ix, and thrombin. The inhibition is potentiated by heparin. A depressed AT level is associated with an increased incidence of TE, Platelet count was measured by means of a Coulter Trombocounter, normal range 150-400 x 109/1. Liver function was studied in those women in whom low AT levels were found. Bilirubin, ASAT, ALAT, lactic dehydrogenases and alkaline phosphatases were analyzed in a sequential multiple analyser (Technicon). as shown in congenital AT deficiency. There are also acquired states, with low AT levels such as acute TE, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), liver insufficiency and nephrosis (2). The present investigation was performed in order to study the AT level in pregnant women admitted to hospital because of manifest or suspected complication of pregnancy.