High-speed readout electronics for sensors based on dc superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) are presented. The SQUID sensor involves a series array of 16dc SQUIDs and an intermediate transformer to enhance its current sensitivity. By using a highly gradiometric design and /spl les/5 /spl mu/m linewidth for the SQUID array, the device can be cooled down in fields of up to 85 /spl mu/T and be operated magnetically unshielded. A special feedback coil design minimizes the parasitic coupling between feedback and input coil. The SQUID sensor is directly connected to the room temperature electronics. A composite preamplifier is used consisting of a slow dc amplifier in parallel with a fast ac amplifier. A virtual 50 /spl Omega/ input resistance with negligible excess noise is realized by active shunting. Two types of high-speed readout electronics were developed. The first was designed for optimum dc performance, high flexibility, and user-friendliness. It is fully computer controlled. The white voltage and current noise levels are 0.3 nV//spl radic/Hz and 3 pA//spl radic/Hz, respectively, resulting in an overall system noise level of 0.4 /spl mu//spl Phi//sub 0///spl radic/Hz or a coupled energy sensitivity around 500h (/spl Phi//sub 0/ is the flux quantum and h is Planck's constant). The maximum flux-locked loop (FLL) and open-loop bandwidths are about 20 MHz and 50 MHz, respectively. The second readout electronics is an ultra-high-speed prototype which was designed for maximum speed at the expense of dc performance. A very low intrinsic signal delay of 1.7 ns and a high open-loop bandwidth of 300 MHz were measured. Using a novel FLL scheme, a very high signal bandwidth of 130 MHz was achieved with 0.8 m distance between SQUID and electronics.
Gheorghe Stan,et al.
Critical field for complete vortex expulsion from narrow superconducting strips.
Physical review letters.
Dietmar Drung,et al.
High-Tc and low-Tc dc SQUID electronics
Dietmar Drung,et al.
Improved direct-coupled dc SQUID read-out electronics with automatic bias voltage tuning
D. K. Lathrop,et al.
Wideband front end for high-frequency SQUID electronics
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity.
K. Stawiasz,et al.
Noise measurements of series SQUID arrays
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity.
W. Johnson,et al.
Double transformer coupling to a very low noise SQUID