Avaliação da qualidade da água da bacia do rio Pirapó – Maringá, Estado do Paraná, por meio de parâmetros físicos, químicos e microbiológicos - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v30i1.3199

This work had as objective to monitor water quality in the Pirapo River basin, which is the main supply source to the city of Maringa, Parana State, and adjacent regions. Five sampling spots were established downstream from the main creeks and streams of the basin. Sample collection was carried out periodically at the central point of the river section, collected monthly, during the period from April/2005 to April/2006. Water quality was evaluated using indicators established by Conama Resolution no. 357/2005. During an evaluation of the parameters, it was possible to indicate that there are two main polluting sources. The first is soil exploitation extending until the river’s edges, which has no gallery forests, leading to sediments and nutrients fallout into the water body, mainly during the rainy periods. The second source is the dumping of domestic sewage, pointed as responsible for the elevated levels of organic matter and coliforms.