“I Want You to Wear Something for Me”: On the In Situ Measurement of Police Stress and the Potential Rewards of Channeling One’s Inner Experimentalist

It might be cliche, but I’m going to begin my essay with a popular quote: “The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.” This quote is often attributed to Albert Einstein, but also to Benjamin Franklin, Mark Twain, and many other thinkers and innovators who were far more intelligent than I am and who knew a lot more than I ever will about making scientific progress. I think the quote is appropriate here because it very succinctly summarizes how I came to find myself riding in the front seat of a patrol car late at night, chasing intoxicated drivers through the streets of Seattle, with a rather remarkable police officer who agreed to be “wired up” with a GPS-enabled heart rate monitor, while I took copious notes (Hickman, Fricas, Strom, & Pope, 2011).