Processing of Drone’s Digital Image for Determining Border of Rice Fields with Edge Detection Method
Edge detection was the basic thing used in most image processing applications to get information from the image frame as a beginning for extracting the features of the segmentation object that will be detected. Nowadays, many edge detection methods create doubts in choosing the right edge detection method and according to image conditions. Based on the problems, a study was conducted to compare the performance of edge detection using methods of canny, Sobel and laplacian by using object of rice field. The program was created by using the Python programming language on OpenCV. The result of the study on one image test that the Canny method produces thin and smooth edges and did not omit the important information on the image while it has required a lot of computing time. Classification is generally started from the data acquisition process; pre-processing and post-processing. Canny edge detection can detect actual edges with minimum error rates and produce optimal image edges. The threshold value obtained from the Canny method was the best and optimal threshold value for each method. The result of a test by comparing the three methods showed that the Canny edge detection method gives better results in determining the rice field boundary, which was 90% compared to Sobel 87% and laplacian 89%.