Healthcare Informatics: Improving Efficiency and Productivity
Foreword James H. Goodnight An Introduction to the U.S. Healthcare Industry, InformationTechnology, and Informatics Stephan Kudyba and Richard Temple Quality Time in Healthcare: Strategies for Achieving National Goals for Meaningful Use of Health Information Technology Michael H. Zaroukian and Peter Basch A Project Management Framework of Healthcare Informatics Initiatives Christi Rushnell and Mary Beattie Nursing Roles in the Implementation of Clinical InformationSystems Terry Moore Architecting Computer Physician Order Entry (CPOE ) for Optimal Utilization James F. Keel and D. Arlo Jennings Knowledge Translation and Informatics in Healthcare Ann Mc Kibbon Self-Service Technology in Healthcare Tomas Gregorio The World of Health Analytics Jason Burke Enhancing Data Resources and Business Intelligence in Healthcare Stephan Kudyba and Mark Rader Application of Healthcare Informatics to Improving Patient Safety and Outcomes: Learning from the Experiences of Trinity Health Rajiv Kohli, Frank Piontek, Larry Sellers, Tom Miner, and Paul Conlon Data Mining in Healthcare Wullianallur Raghupathi Using Data Mining to Build Alerting Systems for DecisionSupport in Healthcare Billie Anderson, Cali M. Davis, and J. Mich ael Hardin Data Mining Techniques to Enhance Healthcare Cost Savings through the Identification of Abusive Billing Practices and the Optimization of Care Enhancement Services Theodore L. Perry, Johnny E. Gore, Jeffrey W. Erdley, and Jeremy D. Lowery