통계적 방법에 의한 건물 부하 산정

A Microsoft Access® application that estimates hourly building energy load is developed based on statistical. field measurements. Hourly patterns of heating, hot water, cooling, and electricity loads are evaluated for an energy consuming community composed of various types of buildings. Popular building types such as apartments, offices, hotels and accomodations, stores, churches, schools and educational institutes are included in the model. For each type of buildings, hourly patterns for a month are measured and compiled to derive a 24-hour load distributions. Daily sum of heating, hot water, cooling, and electricity loads are also measured for the building types. The annual energy need profiles are generated by combining the 24-hour distribution and 365-day consumption patterns. The annual maximum values of the 8760 hours of a year for each load type serves as a guide for selecting a device capacity. A user-friendly interface that ushers users throughout the whole process is provided.