Hybrid Arabic-French machine translation using syntactic re-ordering and morphological pre-processing

Hybrid Arabic-to-French SMT using rule-based pre-processing and language analysis.Morphologically reduced rules that reduce the morphology of Arabic.Swapping rules for a structural matching on pronouns and verbs.A gain in terms of BLEU score after applying some of these rules.A learning curve showing the findings under scarce- or large-resources conditions. Arabic is a highly inflected language and a morpho-syntactically complex language with many differences compared to several languages that are heavily studied. It may thus require good pre-processing as it presents significant challenges for Natural Language Processing (NLP), specifically for Machine Translation (MT). This paper aims to examine how Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) can be improved using rule-based pre-processing and language analysis. We describe a hybrid translation approach coupling an Arabic-French statistical machine translation system using the Moses decoder with additional morphological rules that reduce the morphology of the source language (Arabic) to a level that makes it closer to that of the target language (French). Moreover, we introduce additional swapping rules for a structural matching between the source language and the target language. Two structural changes involving the positions of the pronouns and verbs in both the source and target languages have been attempted. The results show an improvement in the quality of translation and a gain in terms of BLEU score after introducing a pre-processing scheme for Arabic and applying these rules based on morphological variations and verb re-ordering (VS into SV constructions) in the source language (Arabic) according to their positions in the target language (French). Furthermore, a learning curve shows the improvement in terms on BLEU score under scarce- and large-resources conditions. The proposed approach is completed without increasing the amount of training data or radically changing the algorithms that can affect the translation or training engines.

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