Simplified model for expansion and contraction of slotted tubulars

Expandable slotted tubulars have been found to improve well production, reduce sand production and thereby reduce well costs compared with conventional approaches to sand control. While performing these completion operations the maximum running hook loads and static drag encountered during pre- and post-expansion process are indispensable for making appropriate well-completion decisions. Traditionally, operating parameters such as torque and drag are estimated using the traditional torque and drag calculations with adjusted friction factors. This will result in under estimation of the values and pose a problem in successfully completing the zone. Unduly conservative design or under estimation may pose poor results and lead to an undesirable increase in the well cost and may be significant in challenging wells. To avoid this, a simple mathematical model has been developed and presented in this paper for the calculation of hook load during expansion and contraction of the slotted tubulars. Several simulations were carried out with synthetic as well as actual data and have been found that the model prediction is very good when compared to the actual data. This paper documents the comparison between the predicted mathematical simulation results with the actual data.