Chemical waves in the acidic iodate oxidation of arsenite

fluoroalkane matrices. A similar matrix effect on the spectral resolution was observed for n-C6HI4+ as is mentioned before. The matrix effect may solve the controversy about the presence and absence of the substructure as well as a small difference in the seven-line splittings reported by two groups.6 As is expected from our previous results for branched alkane cations,2 the unpaired electron of HME+ must be mainly confined to the central C-C bond so that large couplings (29 G) can be expected from the six protons in the trans C-H bonds while the small ones (4 G) arise from the remaining 12 protons with the 60’ conformations. Similar 6-proton couplings with rigid CH3 protons in C-C cr radicals have already been determined by ENDOR studies in our laboratory for the deprotonated cations of a-aminoisobutyric acid.12 The averaged 6-proton couplings for the two CH3 groups are 22.1 and 3.3 G for the