건물의 전기부하특성에 따른 BIPV시스템의 부하매칭에 관한 연구
These days, although thermal energy is decreasing, electric energy is increasing in building. Also, it is very important to research and distribute BIPV(Building Integrated photovoltaic) because our society consider electricity more significant than other energy in building. Therefore, in this paper, our research team analyzed difference between BIPV yield and building energy consumption through experimental research. As a result, yearly building energy consumption was 104,602.4kWh and BIPV yield was 105,267kWh. And then, totally counterbalanced time took up 26%, reduced electric load time took up16%. In other words, peak load could be reduced up to 42% by BIPV. As a result, yearly building energy consumption was 104,602.4kWh and BIPV yield was 105,267kWh. And then, totally counterbalanced time took up 26%, reduced electric load time took up16%. In other words, peak load could be reduced up to 42% by BIPV.