Reclaiming polyester bottles a big business

Resin reclaimed from polyester beverage bottles is fast becoming a major raw material for industry. Technology continues to develop for use of the resins, and the number of firms recovering resin and/or producing downstream products is increasing. The infrastructure of recycling centers that can supply bottles to these reclamation companies is also growing. The potential for resin reclaiming activity certainly exists. Ormond B. Gillen, plastics operations manager for Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., estimates that 300 million lb of polyethylene terephthalate), or PET, barrier resin was used for bottles in 1980, and this amount will increase to 500 million lb in 1982. Other materials with recovery potential include high-density polyethylene (HDPE) base cups, which form almost 25% of the weight of empty, 2-liter bottles, and aluminum caps, which amount to 1% of the weight. In addition to uses for PET already commercially exploited, Goodyear scientists are among those working to expand applications. Current uses ...