Every experimentalist will sooner or later come across a situation in which results from initial "baseline" treatments conform nicely to the Nash equilibrium, but subsequent changes in parameters push the data in ways not predicted by Nash. This may happen when one begins by giving theory its "best shot," reserving stress tests for later. Such tests often involve changing a parameter that, on the basis of intuition, is likely to alter behavior, but which has no effect on the Nash equilibrium. For example, behavior in a symmetric matching-pennies game conforms to the Nash prediction of mixing with equal probabilities. However, changing a player's own payoff parameters will typically change that player's choice probabilities (Ochs, 1995; Goeree, Holt, and Palfrey, 2002b), in spite of the fact that in a Nash equilibrium a player's mixed strategy only depends on the other players' payoffs. In "Ten Little Treasures of Game Theory and Ten Intuitive Contradictions," Goeree and Holt (2001) report a variety of games in which behavior conforms nicely to Nash predictions in one treatment (the "treasures") but deviates sharply from Nash predictions in the other treatment (the "contradictions"). A particularly striking example of the contrast between economic intuition and the cold logic of game theory is the "traveler's dilemma" described by Basu (1994). The dilemma is based on a situation in which two vacationers have purchased identical objects, which are then lost on the flight home. The airline tells them to fill out claim forms independently, with the promise that both claims will be paid if they match. Otherwise, both travelers are only reimbursed at the lower of the claims, with a small penalty for the high claimant and an equally small reward for the low claimant. Even with a very low penalty and reward, each person has an incentive to "undercut" any anticipated common claim amount, and so the only Nash equilibrium (in pure or mixed strategies) is at the lowest possible claim. The implausibility of this prediction becomes apparent when one considers very low values of the penalty and reward parameter. Capra, Goeree, Gomez, and Holt (1999) report a traveler's dilemma experiment in which claims are required to be between 80 and 200 cents, so the Nash equilibrium involves claims of 80 cents. With the penalty for the high claimant and the reward for the low claimant set at 50 cents, claims converged to near-Nash levels, as indicated by the blue bars in Figure 1. But with a relatively low penalty-reward level of 10 cents, the frequency distribution of claims (represented by the green bars) is much higher. Note that this distribution is concentrated at the opposite side of the feasible set from the Nash
Jacob K. Goeree,et al.
Rent Seeking with Bounded Rationality: An Analysis of the All‐Pay Auction
Journal of Political Economy.
Charles A. Holt,et al.
Learning and Noisy Equilibrium Behavior in an Experimental Study of Imperfect Price Competition
Jacob K. Goeree,et al.
The Logit Equilibrium: A Perspective on Intuitive Behavioral Anomalies
J. Ochs.
Games with Unique, Mixed Strategy Equilibria: An Experimental Study
J K Goeree,et al.
Stochastic game theory: for playing games, not just for doing theory.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
J. Huyck,et al.
Tacit Coordination Games, Strategic Uncertainty, and Coordination Failure
Jacob K. Goeree,et al.
A theoretical analysis of altruism and decision error in public goods games
Robert W. Rosenthal,et al.
A bounded-rationality approach to the study of noncooperative games
R. McKelvey,et al.
Quantal Response Equilibria for Normal Form Games
Kaushik Basu,et al.
The traveler's dilemma: Paradoxes of rationality in game theory
V. Smith.
Monetary Rewards and Decision Cost in Experimental Economics: An Extension
Jacob K. Goeree,et al.
Minimum effort coordination games; an equilibrium analysis of bounded rationality
Charles A. Holt,et al.
Anomalous Behavior in a Traveler's Dilemma?
R. Mark Isaac,et al.
Nash as an Organizing Principle in the Voluntary Provision of Public Goods: Experimental Evidence
J. Friedman,et al.
Boundedly Rational Nash Equilibrium: A Probabilistic Choice Approach☆☆☆
Robert J. Reilly,et al.
Do too many cooks always spoil the stew? An experimental analysis of rent-seeking and the role of a strategic buyer
Jacob K. Goeree,et al.
Stochastic Game Theory: Adjustment to Equilibrium Under Noisy Directional Learning