VoroMQA web server for assessing three-dimensional structures of proteins and protein complexes

Abstract The VoroMQA (Voronoi tessellation-based Model Quality Assessment) web server is dedicated to the estimation of protein structure quality, a common step in selecting realistic and most accurate computational models and in validating experimental structures. As an input, the VoroMQA web server accepts one or more protein structures in PDB format. Input structures may be either monomeric proteins or multimeric protein complexes. For every input structure, the server provides both global and local (per-residue) scores. Visualization of the local scores along the protein chain is enhanced by providing secondary structure assignment and information on solvent accessibility. A unique feature of the VoroMQA server is the ability to directly assess protein-protein interaction interfaces. If this type of assessment is requested, the web server provides interface quality scores, interface energy estimates, and local scores for residues involved in inter-chain interfaces. VoroMQA, the underlying method of the web server, was extensively tested in recent community-wide CASP and CAPRI experiments. During these experiments VoroMQA showed outstanding performance both in model selection and in estimation of accuracy of local structural regions. The VoroMQA web server is available at http://bioinformatics.ibt.lt/wtsam/voromqa.

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