Depth recording capabilities of planar high-density microelectrode arrays

We use a planar, CMOS-based microelectrode array (MEA) featuring 3,150 metal electrodes per mm2 and 126 recording channels to record spatially highly resolved extracellular action potentials (EAPs) from Purkinje cells (PCs) in acute cerebellar slices. An Independent-Component-Analysis-based (ICA) spike sorter is used to reveal EAPs of single cells at subcellular resolution. Those EAPs are then used to set up a compartment model of a PC. The model is used to make and finetune estimations of the distance between MEA surface and PC soma. This distance is estimated using the amplitude-independent part of the shape of the EAPs obtained from recordings. The estimation shows that, in our preparations, we can record from PCs with the center of their soma at approximately 35 µm and 90 µm vertical distance to the chip surface.