Development of a charged-coupled device-based light-scattering instrument for the detection of C-reactive protein using particle-enhanced immunoassay.

A novel light-scattering instrument has been developed for rapid detection of immunoreactions in test latex particle-enhanced immunoassays. The detector consists of a flat-field grating and a charge-coupled device mounted on a rotating platform, and the detector measures a continuous spectrum from 350 nm to 735 nm at 440 polar angles with a resolution of 0.5 degrees. Optimal detection for rates of immunoreaction were determined by intensity of scattered light at different angles. Instrumental precisions were all shown to fall within 5% of the target relative standard deviation limits. The accuracy of the instrument was confirmed using monodispersed latex particles of known size and shape. The initial results showed the possibility of a sensitive and accurate detection of C-reactive protein throughout the range of clinical interest, thus demonstrating a significant potential for biomedical applications.