linked to each other. Higher performance is required. thus New database applications such as %rtificial intelligence, CAD/CAM, and image processing require the database systems with the following capabilities: con%cZal ZZe data types different than the (2) to have higher performance (3) to be extensible To satisfy these requirements, we have developed (3) Extensibility. In current database systems, _ _ basic XRDB (extended relational database engine). XRDB is a simple, extensible, high-speed database engine that supports non-first normal form. arithmetic and logical operations are supported. However, new data types for complex applications require new operations. Different applications require different optimization strategies suitable to their application-specific queries. It is extremely difficult to satisfy all these requirements, so it is important to make database systems easy to customize. See Exodus[Care86] and Postgres{Ston86] for examples of such research. In this paper, we discuss the design principles, the techniques used to increase speed, and the system To satisfy these three requirements, we have architecture. The performance evaluation of the single developed XRDB (extended relational database engine). XRDB is a software system that executes basic user version using the Wisconsin benchmark test is shown. A Japanese dictionary system based on XRDB relational operations with very high performance. Since it. is an engine, it does not have a query language or is compared with the specialized routine-based optimizer. XRDB serves as the nucleus for a relational dictionary in terms of access .time. These results are database system. The system built on it uses the also discussed. operations provided by XRDB.
David J. DeWitt,et al.
A Single User Evaluation of the Gamma Database Machine
Yasuo Yamane.
A Hash Join Technique for Relational Database Systems
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Hashing Methods and Relational Algebra Operations
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On extending the functions of a relational database system
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Benchmarking Database Systems A Systematic Approach
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Object and File Management in the EXODUS Extensible Database System