PSOA RuleML: Integrated Object-Relational Data and Rules

Object-relational combinations are reviewed with a focus on the integrated Positional-Slotted, Object-Applicative (PSOA) RuleML. PSOA RuleML permits a predicate application (atom) to be without or with an Object IDentifier (OID) – typed by the predicate as its class – and, orthogonally, the predicate’s arguments to be positional, slotted, or combined. This enables six uses of atoms, which are systematically developed employing examples in presentation syntaxes derived from RuleML/POSL and RIF-BLD, and visualized in Scratch Grailog. These atoms, asserted as facts, are retrieved by object-relational look-in queries. On top of such facts, PSOA rules and their inferential querying are explored, e.g. permitting F-logic-like frames derived from relational joins. A use case of bidirectional SQL-PSOA-SPARQL transformation (schema/ontology mapping) is shown. Objectification and the presentation plus (XML-)serialization syntaxes of PSOA RuleML are described. The first-order model-theoretic semantics is formalized, blending (OID-over-)slot distribution, as in RIF, with integrated psoa terms, as in RuleML. The PSOATransRun implementation is surveyed, translating PSOA RuleML to TPTP (PSOA2TPTP) or Prolog (PSOA2Prolog).

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