Integrating intelligent transportation systems within the transportation planning process : an interim handbook.

“This document represents an update to a previous report published by James Robinson and Mark Doctor in September 1989 entitled “Ramp Metering Status in North America.” Operational Design Guidelines for High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes on Arterial Roadways, November 1994, Report DOT-T-95-14, originally published by Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, Canada, 193 pages. Abstract: “The purpose of this document is to summarize relevant information and proven guidelines in the areas of planning, design and operation of high-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes on arterial roadways in Ontario Municipalities. An Assessment of High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Facilities in North America, Executive Report, August 1992, Publication DOT-T-94-17, Prepared for FTA by Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas 77843, 77 pages Abstract: “This executive report provides an overall summary of the major elements of the assessment of high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane projects located either on freeways or in separate rights-of-way in North America. The report includes a discussion of the purpose of the assessment, an overview of the status of HOV facilities in North America, suggested procedures for evaluating HOV projects, detailed information on selected HOV case studies, proposed future HOV projects, and areas for further research. This report summarizes information contained in the four major reports that have been prepared as part of the three year assessment. Those reports are: A Description of High-Occupancy