An Approximate Markov Blanket Feature Selection Algorithm
Feature selection (FS) can effectively improve the speed and accuracy of classification. The traditional FS approaches usually score a single feature, do not evaluate feature subset. Based on the research in feature relevance, features can be further divided into four categories: Strong relevance, weak relevance, irrelevance and redundancy. The paper proposes a forward selection algorithm — An approximate Markov Blanket (MB) feature selection by theory of MB and Chi-Square test, which obtain an approximate optimal feature subset. Experiments on the datasets suggest that, compared with original feature set, the feature subset obtained by the proposed approach is much less than original feature set and performance on actual classification is better than or as good as that by original feature set. Meanwhile, when used in high dimension feature space such as text categorization, compared with other traditional feature selection approaches: OCFS, DF, CHI, IG, the performance obtained by the proposed method is obviously superior to that of others on 20 Newsgroup dataset.