Shielded Balanced and Coaxial Transmission Lines: Parametric Measurements and Instrumentation Relevant to Signal Waveform Transmission in Digital Service
Abstract: A method is presented for determining the impulse and step responses of a shielded cable using time domain terminal measurements and a physically based mathematical model for the transmission line properties of the cable. The method requires a computer controlled time domain measurement system and was implemented using the NBS Automatic Pulse Measurement System (APMS). Data are also developed for the frequency domain complex propagation function (attenuation and its related minimum-phase shift). The method is applied to 12 shielded paired-conductor (balanced) cables and 5 coaxial cables. Time domain responses are presented for three nominal cable lengths, 60 m (200 ft), 150 m (500 ft), and 300 m (1000 ft). The time domain responses are applied to the estimation of bit error rate increases due to the insertion of the cables into a digital signaling system employing a balanced polar NRZ waveform. Also discussed is the application of the time domain responses to time domain reflectometry techniques for cable acceptance tests and field-site testing of installed cables.