Qweak is an experiment set to take place at Jefferson Lab that will put the
Standard Model to the test by measuring the weak charge of the proton by precisely
measuring the parity-violating asymmetry of elastic proton-electron scattering. Ver-
tical Drift Chambers, which will momentum analyze events that take place, will be
key to the tracking system of Qweak. A vertical drift chamber was constructed and
conditioned by applying high voltage to the chamber. After conditioning, the current
that the chamber would draw at 3.55kV began to spike to 10.3?A and therefore we
were cautious to go above this voltage level when testing the chamber. The efficiency
of the chamber was measured using cosmic rays and a 90Sr source. Using cosmic
rays, the efficiency of the chamber was (95.3 � 1.3)% at 3.5kV, whereas when using
the 90Sr source, the efficiency of the chamber was (81.3 � 1.9)% at 3.5kV. However,
it was discovered that these efficiencies were contaminated by background noise that
was being picked up by the electronic equipment used to measure the efficiency. After eliminating this background noise, the efficiency of the chamber was again measured,
yet it was not at an operating efficiency, which is typically on the order of 99 - 100%.
It appeared that the chamber needed to be able to handle larger voltages, however,
this was not possible due to the amount of current that the chamber would draw at
these larger voltages. It was discovered that the bottom wire frame was the source
of the current at these large voltages, so we decided to disassemble the chamber and
replace this wire frame. The chamber was then reassembled and is currently being
G. Wagnière.
On Chirality and the Universal Asymmetry: Reflections on Image and Mirror Image
W. Blum,et al.
Particle detection with drift chambers
G. Wagnire.
On Chirality and the Universal Asymmetry
W. Oers.
The Qweak experiment: A search for physics and the TeV scale
K. Mislow.
Chirality — from weak bosons to the α‐Helix. Herausgegeben von R. Janoschek. Springer, Berlin, 1991. XI, 246 S., geb. DM 168.00 — ISBN 3‐540‐53920‐4
B. Holstein,et al.
Particle physics.